
I'm at work and sometimes I dont feel like watching a 6 minute video before the comments. So i disagree!

its probably a double standard, but it worked for the Obama brand and when Hillary does it, it just seems so calculated and forced. These things do not play to her strengths.

I'm not really a fan of his shtick on anything i've seen him on. (made it through about 10 minutes of a stand up or two as well)

That's my buddy Shon, he plays slide guitar and is a sweet guy.

No but for real thanks for the reviews.

Wait so I'm still not clear on if this reviewer liked Murphy and hated Pena or the other way around?

High risk, high reward. The big studios are hoping they have a billion dollar runaway hit every year that can pay for everything the studio does basically.

This is a weird battle you are choosing to take up.

Say what you will about Kanye for being arrogant or whatever, but this is a guy we should actually hate.

I'll do the scroll for 20 minutes and just land on Bob's Burgers or Futurama anyways.

Look if you hate Kanye West, we all get it there is plenty to hate, but is there really a need to express your distaste on every article? like does it make you feel better about yourself or something?

man a lot of work went into the production of that fan theory video.

haha i live in south minneapolis so yes i could go on about the 5-8, Matts, the Nook or Blue Door but we are talking about fast food here.

I can't argue with you there haha

We dont even have a whataburger in Minneapolis so i dont know what to tell you.

I would think that mcdonalds outnumbering whataburger by like roughly a billion (scientific fact) it just sometimes is for speed and not taste.

South Park reference woooo keeping it fresh (like mcdonald's fries)

My flips the opposite where i everything is fine until it beomces blurry and i get a headache about ah hour in. This is why i havent seen a 3-D movie in like 2-3 years.

Something something how wude.

Demon Days will forever be my #1 Gorillaz album. I like-to-love anything Damon Does so any new music is a plus.