
I used to ADORE "All Alone" with Roots Manuva so that one too. I learned a lot about hip hop from those first two Gorillaz records. (which might be the most suburban thing one could possibly say)

This reminded me of my favorite Bojack joke from this season: Maybe that one's a dud, but hey, you think Lou Bega knocked it out of the park with "Mambo Number One"?

Fingerbib will always and forever be one of my favorite songs ever.

My family and I watched Nash Bridges together for some reason. When i found out that Cheech and the sidekick where the same person it BLEW MY MIND.

Haha, it might have had the advantage of not seeing BvS in theaters so I could look at my phone a lot.

I saw this movie for free and boy was it awful. Character motivations made no sense, character development came out of nowhere, basic editing problems, the dialogue from the trailers made NO SENSE in context. Jared Leto was so bad aaaagh i hate this movie more than i hated BvS. I hope the drop off is steep and we dont

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Rile up a bunch of people on what is clearly a very liberal site?

I can have empathy towards social injustices of minorities even though i'm ghostly white and receive all of those benefits. Am I hypocritical because im white?

So you're probably poor, does that mean you cant be a republican?

So this is better than Batman V Superman? because i cant do that again.

Hell play Elephant, its basically a much better version of that song.

It's okay to not like them, you can just recognize that a lot of us do right?

I've used this joke so many times and i would keep him with his companion Billy Corgi.

Driving up to my cabin when i was a child my sister and i each got to choose a movie to watch (the drive being a little over 3 hours) mine were probably the likes of star wars, batman something or other stuff like that, and my sister picked this movie damn near everytime, i think i've seen this movie upwards of 25

Your name keeps popping up in threads where you seem to try and spread discord on the internet like some sort of gremilin! I wish there was a term for people like you.

Man this opinion is edgy.

Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got til it's gone.

Oh man I wonder if these actresses like Kate Winslet and Elizabeth Hurley know that they woke up an entire generation to sexuality.

So the top secret project is Batman right?

Just looked her up, she is the blonde from Reno 911 (for which i am a fan)