
impressions with jokes behind them are funny, because yes all of those are great, but not because they are impressions. If someone can do a really great bane voice, is that funny in the slightest?

this gets me haha

also lip syncing to something is not funny either.

I am firmly on team "Impressions aren't funny"

"We need an ugly frowned upon nerd for this part, lets get an exceptionally beautiful person and i dunno, put glasses on em?"
-All casting directors

This isn't very internet of you, it needs to be the best or worst thing you've ever seen.

The canned dinosaur noise also stuck out to me, but i still liked the movie so different strokes. I really enjoyed It Follows a lot more though and am in love with the soundtrack.

Yeah romantic comedies always hinge on the fact that both people are movie star attractive. Otherwise it turns into a psychological thriller about murder.

Radiohead had me in a vice grip for like 10 years, but as i have backed off from that obsession, i can definitely see how thom yorke's voice is not appealing to everyone and can see where the whiny, mopey tags come from. I have this articles feelings with the band Tool, i get it, but i think i just missed the boat on

I meant it more in that i still loved the rest of the trilogy and still the output after, i just hate TDKR.

"Let's go over it again….this time like you mean it, now what happened to you?"
-Terrance Howard probably.

Seconded, watched it the other day becase my roommate put it on, it does not hold up and there is so much wrong with it ugh, but i still love the other two and interstellar so whatever.

His stand up has no jokes its just manic energy and COME ON PEOPLE, i for one, do not find him funny at all, and actually prefer some of his movie roles.

I laughed really hard at this.

Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on

hate it or love it, get lucky will be played at weddings 20 years from now. Where as Dimitri from Paris will certainly not. You think this is the first time someone has used a prior style and made it popular? That is not a good enough reason to dismiss something.

Nailed it.

"Celebrating the 5 year anniversary of you asking me this question."
-Mitch Hedberg

Printers are quite the distraction haha

I used to love this show, its just not even close to my humor anymore…shame because i cant even watch seasons 5-10 which are really really good.