
Real adults will come by to verify your adulthood sometime in the near future.

“I don’t get” were the only accurate words of that whole thing.

I generally like a lot of the same music as you but this whole Struts thing has got to go. They are like the stupid child of Panic At The Disco!, The Darkness, and the 1975.

Ah yes, Donald Trumo that lying sack of shit.

When you lie you make baby jesus sad.

*jerk off motion*

Good. The Universe is punishing you for your blasphemy.

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

Yes, we can apply it to a lot of things. “Everyone is a responsible banana eater until suddenly they aren’t.”

Pictured: the author.

you know, it really isn’t nice to speak ill of the dead...

Dang. Maybe less caffeine or more sleep bud. People can like cars without having physical or mental disabilities. Nothing wrong with my bits and pieces thanks.

stay in school, kid!

The vicious contempt, the seething anger over the delusion, the snarling rage, the almost despair over the stupidity of celebrating too soon.

The Yard Goats played home games at Dodd Stadium in Norwich