
Man, I kept reading this hoping for some kind of through-line or identifiable argument, but the thesis here seems to be “the movies I don’t like are stupid.” Which is a valid enough argument (most of us have probably made it at least once or twice), but probably doesn’t need 3,000 words to be made. Which is especially

his duty as a Christian to “make a stand for Christ”

Why are you putting everything in parenthesis?

His wife held him back from further injuring his boyfriend, whom he assaulted and shouted homophobic slurs at...?

It’s possible that everything hovers, since nothing actually touches. Because physics. Apparently.

I’m a boring, standard issue white dude, but I like her because she’s funny.

That is what my crazy friend keeps saying, but when he shows me the frog he never sings....

You do, however, get your choice of barbecue sauces: smoky, spicy, or sweet.

I was going to point out the irony in being angry that some people refuse to consider non-tomato sauced pizza “real pizza” when you yourself are a famous hater of delightful Chicago-style pizza.

It HAS been a while since he’s rapped at us.

pretty sure this is lifted from a Jim Anchower column.

A Bears QB named Fales? That's like a pitcher named Walk or Balfour...

Curvy doesn’t equal fat, you can be skinny and curvy, hater.

it’s locally owned, and they charge five pounds for a bowl of fucking cereal. the place is pretty much a figurehead for bullshit. at least most poor people can afford subway and might even get some nutrition out of the meal

“Thanks for beating our asses, here’s some champagne”

Get fucked on the no-reclining rule.

I feel like whenever a blog needs to generate action, it can just run an article about tipping servers or reclining airplane seats.

Just to be clear, by ‘Devil’s Advocate’ you really mean ‘Homophobe Apologist’, right?

“Who knew the nurses of America moved like the mob?”

For all of you who think that the NFL is too lenient when punishing players for off the field conduct, please explain to me why the NHL is only penalizing this guy 5 minutes for slashing.