Dun Dunna DAHHHHHHHHHH -butter!
Dun Dunna DAHHHHHHHHHH -butter!
Thank you for saying what needed to be said.
What is “No Way In Hell” Alex?
15. <Flip him off while his stupid toddler back is turned>
I always feared Parent/Teacher Nights as a kid; every time a girl who knew me said “hi”, my mom would start telling me to go over there and talk to her, ask for a pre-teen date, or even just straight up yell “He likes you!” Thanks for increasing my crippling shyness around the opposite sex, Mom!
Not cool, sisters.
Yes. Great shouting though.
I’d like to point out that lets is actually let’s, as in let us. I say this not only as a grammatical correction, but for a semantic one as well: there's no 'us'. Don't pull the rest of the world into your racist ramblings by implying that we're all thinking the same thing, because I can assure you, we are not.
That just sounds like an excuse to me, quite frankly. Somehow the Brazilian men were able to figure out, and many others. Yes, if the men are so great, to start off, because they are men, then the playing field is even between the two. The women, with the weakly womenly parts, are playing the best weakly womenly parts…
Was it very short? If it was I am not sure I could have handled much more, it was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, I could barely breath. Anyway, I am kinda like the alpha male, so you guys have to do what I say.
My eight year old daughter watched team USA throughout this tournament. This little girl, who never wanted to compete in sports made me promise I would sign her up for fall soccer immediately. She is so fired up!
It says Filed To: FOODSPIN. I stand by my assertion!
I fully expect to be flamed for this BIG HIPPIE comment, but for vegans a grilled pickle spear in a hot dog bun is fan-goddamn-tastic. Grilled pickle + mustard + onions + peppers plus far fewer questions about what actually constitutes the tube that’s lodged in your buns is a recipe for happiness.
I want those whole post rewritten with cats removed and kids put in that place. I feel the whole thing works, even the rat part. Kids are fucking weird and I see no reason anyone would willingly endure that shit.
this was good. it wasn’t great. i mean, it didn’t blow me away. this was pretty normal. it was fine.
Because they assume I want to ban everything even slightly dangerous.
I see both sides of this argument. It’s a tough thing. What I don’t get is why all these people are replying to you as if you kicked their dog.
BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! “Men that take that risk”....with a capital ‘M’!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!