
I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.

days like today will make me remember that, beside his title as president, Obama is, more importantly, our leader. I needed to hear his speech upon the SCOTUS decision. I needed that catharsis from Amazing Grace. He’s led us through so many events that if it weren’t for him being at the helm, i’m not sure how we’d

pretty sure i cried. i was like 11. that shit was beautiful.

So much bad news. This is a great palate cleanser.

Honestly, EVERY DUDE? Hell naw, Clover. Hell nah. I think most dudes with a reading level above 9th grade will have a tough time with this show for a lot of reasons. Maybe mostly because it’s doucheporn that isn’t realistic for anyone but .1% of pro athletes and the fact that it’s just Entourage: Sports Edition.

Two pence.

You got it dude!

That old man backed the fuck right through that garage door.

Ooooh, I’m getting my “Defense of Fraternities” bingo card ready for the comments. On the last article, I got the following categories on my comment alone:

It takes a doucheBro to defend a doucheBro.

I mean, I hate to judge a book by its cover, but his lawyer looks exactly how I would picture War Machine’s lawyer looking. Something about that gel spiked hair and chin strap beard makes me just think he probably truly thinks he’s doing the right thing by defending War Machine.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Maybe I’m alone (I seem to be after reading other articles and comments elsewhere), but I felt like Chicago outplayed Tampa for about forty five minutes. After the Bolts scored, they kept up the energy for a minute or so, but they slowly dropped back and started chasing (the exact mistake they’ve made already this

When I got to the Mike’s Hard Lemonade bit and realised I was only a quarter way through, I decided to go the TL;DR route.

I could barely read it at all. Run on sentences, strange syntax, too much trying to be cool.

Yes, this was as long as I would expect a complaint to go for a wine snob.

This is the longest “WAHHHHHHHHHH” I’ve ever read.

What does the other Jags fan think?

So, still "Sex and the City, for Men" then?