Get off your fucking high horse and get down on a 5-way or a coney. I mean you relocated to Cincy, you aren't that fucking smart or cultured.
Get off your fucking high horse and get down on a 5-way or a coney. I mean you relocated to Cincy, you aren't that fucking smart or cultured.
This place is so messed up. These people have animals on chains and are treating cheetahs like they are pets. I am disappointed, Jezebel.…
Come on, Samer— did you have to go that way with the headline word choice?
He's a <i>man</i>, the guy's name is "Ryan Ludwick," and he appears to be trying.
Some asshole is posting comments from your account. Just thought you should know.
Is it wrong that the first thing I think of in this story is "Taco Bell employees that sue for sexual harassment probably have to remove about 3 digits from the awards amount"? Then I'm wondering why? Are the genitals of lower wage workers not as inviolate?
This is so sad for Broncos fans. What a great owner he's been.
Shut the fuck up.
Fuck you I ain't turning on my damn oven in the summer.
The other week, while staying at a hotel, my eight year old daughter (a passionate gymnast who CRUSHES cartwheels) and I watched an episode of American Ninja Warrior and she asked me whether girls could be Ninja Warriors. 'Of course they can,' I said, 'and probably very good ones, especially if they do gymnastics.'…
You're telling me asking players to play variably within an 8 hour window causes them to be in the bottom half of the league for the majority of the last few decades?
Manning isn't an example, really. He went to Denver because they already had excellent wideouts, a decent line and a pretty good defense. If you just plugged him in anywhere, say, Oakland - they are not going to the playoffs.
Sorta like people who refer to Southern California as SoCal.'re being a shithead to someone over Wreck-It-Ralph and ParaNorman? fucking kidding with this shit?
How the fuck does this shit get on the front page of Deadspin?
Just proof that we're not as civilized as we claim to be. Nobody can understand nuance or degrees of guilt. Everything has to be forced into a simplistic good or bad category, and it's either undeniably good and perfect or unarguably evil and deserves harsh punishment.