ghostburning and (use erotica tag) have more free erotica than you could read in a lifetime. If you enjoy fantasy novels, I highly recommend my novel The Little Goblin Girl which is also erotica.

Bacteria are supposed to be there and, absent an infection and provided basic hygiene, the vagina is self-regulating. pH of course matters - the pH of your blood being off slightly can be acidosis - but you don’t need to try to adjust it the way you do a swimming pool because a normally functioning body does this

Seriously, who are these people who think that 8th grade is early to have “tingly feelings” and didn’t have an orgasm until high school? WTF? I remember having my first one in 4th grade. That’s the norm. YES, Devin and stepdaughter, your 10-year-old daughter/sister is very likely having sexual feelings and

Unfortunately I think this barrier is twofold: pleasuring sex is still very much regarded as a male domain. We have to worry about not getting pregnant, understanding the complexities of our cycles, dealing with menstruation, knowing about UTIs... Educating girls about orgasming on top of all this is almost an

THIS! Once had a Tinder guy suggest we MEET for the first time at midnight in the woods. And pulled the, “Oh man, what a shame you’re not more adventurous” when I was like, “Fuuuuuck no, dude.” Can imagine I’d be even more hesitant if I were a celebrity with god knows how many potential stalkers....

Per another comment, maybe SHE dumped HIS body in the secluded woods! I mean, we’re hearing from her, one month later. No updates on him, though. Curious....

She went on a nine mile hike... in the middle of the night...?

My first thought was “Is this dementia or is this just lots of cocaine?”

So she went on a first date with a dude IN THE WOODS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Yeah that sounds safe and totally like a good sensible idea.

I have to agree with bobby, when I was listening to the interview on Howard, I was like who is this? Charlize Trump? Then I remembered she’s a major pot head, but it did give me Trump vibes. I almost sounded made up too.

Alright. Let me make it simple. There are people that purposefully take advantage of older people, offering them terrible deals on refinancing their houses, offering mortgage scams...there are also people who take advantage of the desperate offering “payday loans” with ridiculously high interest rates.

I actually feel sorry for him. He often looks scared of Donald Sr. when they are together (and Don Sr. looks angry or annoyed with him). There are some stories, as I recall, that his dad bullied and hit him. Seeing their interactions, I would believe that.

Perfect. Or, like, go to a zoo without carrying a gun and just watch the animals. Baby steps.

He’d probably only be happy at a wildlife refuge in Africa if he was killing the animals.

I would bet that being one of Donald’s kids is a really shitty experience. Jr. should realize that he can always cut ties with the family and go be a decent person. He should volunteer at a wildlife refuge in Africa; he’d probably be a lot happier for it.

Yes, and I get that. I used to have work and the university, and eating on the subway and bus wasn’t an option because neither is allowed where I live.

There are actually food vendors (more than coffee)after you swipe in on the subway. The system was set up for failure.

it might be worth your time to see if you can find an eating disorder support group in your area - they’ll understand the allure and hopefully be able to provide that support for you before you develop a full-blown ED. i’ll even see if i can track one down for you if the idea appeals, and you don’t mind sharing your

Over the last year, I’ve lost about 55 lbs through a medically supervised program. I can easily see how people can get addicted to it. Even thought I hit my completely realistic goal - I felt that I needed/wanted to go lower; it’s a sweet package of smug, compliments, restriction, and that awesome control factor so

Tracey Gold’s For The Love of Nancy (which was based on her own real-life, high-profile struggle with anorexia)