
Well, I think that the ex-wife is not an asshole. Naive perhaps, but I see no reason to call her an asshole.

I don’t necessarily take issue with Lena Dunham. It doesn’t look great and I don’t like her in general but we don’t know the dog or the situation.

That brought out some sizeable anger in me too. He might want to defend her but he goes out of his way to blame the fact the dog was a rescue and that basically a violent or anti social rescue dog is inevitable. Fuck him. Fuck him so hard. There will now be people who when considering a shelter dog will vaguely

But... you still don’t know her dog.

Sorry but this story is shit-stirring and mean.

Governor thats not just....thats abuse. You dont have access to your own money?

Thanks for the pageviews!

Your broader point is well-taken, but am I alone in thinking that Brad Pitt actually would date a woman his age? I’ve never gotten the sense he was interested in women purely because of their looks.

i do not have sienna miller permanence - as soon as i close this browser tab, i will have forgotten who she is.

He looks like a little kid caught between expressions by a pool photographer. Listen. I hate Trump as much as anybody. But Barron is a CHILD. Stop dissecting his every expression. Leave. Him. Alone.

I am the same age as Chelsea Clinton and had high school friends who went to Stanford with her. She got a lot of shit for being a normal awkward kid, and she rolled with it. But it sucked, and it hurt her. A lot. Which is why most media doesn’t go after presidential kids anymore. Sure, some lunatics went after the

Can we leave Barron alone? Like, the kid didn’t ask for this. Go after Don Jr. and the weird one and Ivanka all you want, they’re adults and ostensibly human. But Tiffany and Barron do not appear to have asked for any of this. We can just not.

At least! I assume having that putrid pusbag out of the house allowed him to grow. He may actually shrink now that he’s back under the same roof.

Fantastic post on a legitimately fucked up cover. The painted feature might be the most wtf part of it for me.

Actually, he’s probably out on $30,000 bond......his bail was $300,000, but one is only required to pay 10% bond, to a bail-bondsperson. If he had $300,000 to bail himself out (and not have to pay a bondsperson) I would be highly suspicious of where he got the money from.

I’m a dragonfly/praying mantis hybrid.

I thought pretending to be married was enough.

Forgiving is not the same as not pursing a legal case. I might forgive someone for burning down my house, but I’m still going to pursue it in criminal court. If somehow ALL the victims’s families, plus those who were injured, plus the city who had to pay for property damage, plus the police who were involved in

I wish her the best, but no. The rule of law is indeed more about us than her--or him either--and it’s function without exception is a safeguard for more than individuals. This isn’t without debate of course, here or in other cases or other crimes and even punishments--what do you do if a victim wants the death

And the court should tell her that it appreciates her position and is happy that she seems to have come to terms with her assault and trauma. And then it should continue its pursuit of Polanski, who is a child rapist who spent the last 40 years living in luxury and adoration while having a family of his own and