
Sayreville's star player is Myles Hartsfield, who has committed to play for Penn State next year.

surprisingly ironic, as my sodomy club forces new recruits to play football as an initiation rite.

As a sophomore on my varsity football team, our star running back and one of our offensive linemen held me down and tried to force me to touch the RB's unusually large penis while we were alone in a cabin at football camp.

School might be a bold statement.

Part of what's most troubling is that all of this occurred in a post-Sandusky world. So clearly that whole message about not covering up crimes really got through.

Boy, these guys really know how to be complete dickwads about the way they place their rapist, felon, scum of the earth Heisman trophy-winning quarterback on a pedestal.

We all remember when he alluded to "all the things he'd been through over the past month" during his Heisman acceptance speech, right?

He said it awkwardly, but he's not wrong. It would seem like pandering - like an all-black Three Muskateers.

So in Colorado sexual assault results in a stern talking to, while in NJ they actually treat it as the crime that it is.

Being forcibly penetrated against your will is in fact horrific and inhumane.

That's because they are no longer contractually obligated to pay Shawn Kemp's child support.

As I've said in many other posts about the lousiness of present-day air travel, this is what happens when you democratize the skies. Want glamour and a hint of comfort? Charge more/pay more. Airlines shouldn't be the Greyhound of the air, but that's what they've become. We as a nation depend on jetliners to do what

I'm pretty sure he knew he wasn't.

To prevent future miscommunications, Michigan players are commanded to follow the new policy not to babble incoherently, blubber fitfully, stare blankly, vomit profusely, sob wrackingly, teeter, totter, wobble, wander, or fall over when Coach is just asking the damn question if they've shaken the cobwebs out after

Before anyone ever cared who's head I would cover, I was just pate skin from Northeast Ohio. It's where I was covered. It's where I furrowed. It's where I burgeoned. It's where I was combed. It holds a special place in my follicles. People there have seen me grow up. I sometimes feel like I'm their bald spot. Their

If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.

I'm a lawyer. Goodell is a public figure which means the burden goes way up on proving libel/slander. He would essentially have to prove that Simmons called Goodell a liar for malicious purposes, while knowing that Goodell was, in fact, telling the truth. I understand what you're saying re: ESPN covering its ass, but

Don't count out Lviv just yet. You're greatly underestimating Putin's desire to have Russia host the Winter Games twice in an eight-year span.