"Remember when I was the only one that boned Jeff Samaradzjia?"
"Remember when I was the only one that boned Jeff Samaradzjia?"
So what you're saying is, if he was still in college, the Cubs would be like his Priest?
Well, indirectly he did. Putting it out there that he's unhappy, even through back channels, will compel the Twolves to do something, as I'm sure they'd rather get some sort of return in a trade than allow him to walk for nothing. So, perhaps I should have left the word publicly out, but basically the same effect.
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: "Cobb County GOP Chairman Joe Dendy sent out a statement that included these thoughts on mass transit and taxes:
Because LeBron played Charlotte and Durant's playing a team that went to the Western Conference Finals last year, has two of the best big men in the league, and has the only defender who can reliably slow Durant down whenever they play?
I once roomed with a guy who was on a music scholarship, played in the orchestra or something. The difference was, however, he could actually get a degree in music. Basically a lot of the time he spent practicing and participating went toward his degree.
Just shows how bad off they are in Russia. In the US the dogs have been buying and driving their own Subarus for years in comericals. In Russia they have to turn to crime to get them.
Adults go to party city to hook up with other adults with similar getaway ambitions of drinking and hooking up. You are blowing our minds today, Callie! I hope you get to the bottom of this rotten mess.
Civil disobedience over illegal spying? Can't be bothered. Illegal wars/drone program. No, thanks. Plundering of the treasury? I got my student loan, bro, I'm good.
Seems pretty late in the game to introduce a third leg as evidence.
Let me re-write to address your point then. Kentucky's recruiting style is to be a team of all freshmen top recruits. That means that they're a team that's going to lose a higher number of games than their talent level dictates because there's games where they don't function together well and have no leaders among…
Because in America compensation is cash, not trade. We moved past the barter economy years ago. Likewise, you can spend your earnings on what you value, not be forced to use it on an "education"
I'm a lifetime member and that's just not true. I did Jenny Craig before for a couple of weeks and you do absolutely have to eat their food (they give you some options if you go out to eat) but I went back to Weight Watchers because you don't have to eat any frozen or boxed meals. Sure they sell them, but it's not a…
Janet Napolitano herself has long been the subject of speculation regarding her orientation, as she's never been married, no kids, never a visible significant other, and really no evidence of a romantic life whatsoever.
I know you love having our hard, throbbing views shoved down your throat. I've seen your craigslist posts.