
“Far Cry with Robots”... or “Horizon Zero Dawn with Horizon Zero Dawn”

That’s not really criticism as much as it is an observation.

This just says that the system is way more popular than they anticipated.

There are a lot of people who don’t want their hard earned tax money going to that guy and they have a point (although I know in Gawker world their opinions don’t matter). Plus it’s not like corporations are the ONLY way to get art made, give me a break. I just spoke about G4C specifically because that seems tailor

Sixty turns of a Civ game is like, right in the best part, when you realize you’re about to spend all day playing. That is diabolical. Everyone who tries this is going to buy it.

“does not believe in art” and “does not think the taxpayers should be paying for art” are not the same thing.

Nice straw man. I could just as easily say that it is so much better to only consume artistic endeavors that have government approval.

There is no such thing as “objective criticism.” The very act of criticizing is subjective. I am sure there are people who think this stuff looks great.

we make a lot of money

I don’t want any of this. Controlling my light bulb through an app is a worse experience than a light switch, and it has the side benefit of turning me into a data store that the company can then use to sell me ads.

Yes there is always a dumb Indiegogo peddlign some hunk of crap with a companion app. And they always hit their goal. I wonder who the hell is buying this stuff?

Telling me every game is great doesn’t help me, because (A) it’s not true, and (B) I can’t play every game.

The game has become a joke. And that’s never good no matter what they say. They had to know this was going to happen. Not much has been released to date, and the stuff that has been released has shown some of these issues. Something went seriously wrong if this is the best we got after 5 years.

Positioning in Dota is the one thing that can’t be taught. It has to be picked up through trial and error. Reps, basically.

Bioware looked at this series and thought the highlights were planet scanning and puttering around a giant planet looking for energy deposits. This is the end result. WHY they thought that I don’t know. ME2 is one of the best games ever.

I didn’t want ME2 to be traveling around a bunch of trash heap planets doing mindless fetch quests.

Not really true, a lot of people have played it. The game hit EA Access yesterday.

I don’t think the federal government should be in the business of funding art projects. The money can be found in other ways. If Games 4 Change is so valuable they can find sponsors to pony up the money like many other similar organizations.

To be fair to Bioware, Uncharted 4 is like a 10 hour game with a small cast and a few cutscenes.

Well, I remember people pointing out weird stuff in a trailer they released maybe 6 months ago, and Bioware’s response was “the game is still in development, that will all be fixed.” Nope. The game is the game.