
If this is the result they get, then they really needed to go back and spend that money at least for the NPCs you spend all game interacting with. Rando NPCs on whatever the new Citadel is, sure. but not main characters.

If you look at the post, ME1 has this game beat and it came out 10 years ago on an ancient version of UE3.

If anyone at Bioware thinks this is “good enough” they have no business releasing a game like this.

I haven’t played HZD but nothing I’ve seen of the game looks like this.

It’s not even the uncanny valley. That would be something like LA Noire. These don’t look human. They look like androids.

... in the middle of the night

Because it’s not football?

Yea. Eventually those loopholes get their own constituencies.

Many actually are, which is a good window into the limitations of the regulatory state.

Good point, people never had kids before the tax credit.

I wish (and Hello Games probably does too) that this came out as a $20 Steam Early Access with no hype whatsoever.

The problem, to me, is not the tax tables. The tables can say whatever the hell they want. The problem is the taxable income side - in other words, the deductions. As is the system of treating one type of income different from another type of income. We see this in other areas - theoretically companies pay 35% of

The idea that some people may disagree with your opinions seems to make you upset.

That’s because of the nature of his earnings that year. Overall, it is not the case.

Those ballpark numbers are off. That $1200 in Tulsa probably corresponds more to $5000 or $6000 in SF.

No, she’s great. Were it not for some questionable movie choices she would have won an Oscar years ago. Maybe deserved one for Lost in Translation.

Hard mode: cosplaying as Rick Grimes from Love Actually, complete with the turtleneck he wore when Kiera Knightley came to his house.

1) A flat tax system would be progressive, as it would have a deduction. Those very poor would end up paying no taxes at all under every proposal I have seen. Also, for the very rich, there would be less ways to minimize their taxable income so they could very well end up paying more (for example, if capital gains are

The measure of a system is not how much we can squeeze some people for. It is if it is fair or not. The definition of fairness, of course, has been debated since the Greeks, but I don’t think tax systems should be designed by pointing to one guy in particular (and then another guy, and another) and demanding he pay

Any flat tax system would have a deduction. I think most proposals are $30k-$50k or something like that.