Has the West Chelsea development boom really lowered anybody’s rent?
Has the West Chelsea development boom really lowered anybody’s rent?
According to police, three men—Dallas Cousins, Zacheriah Jarvis, and Nathan Watt—approached Revis and asked him if he was in fact Darrelle Revis, the professional football player.
The other guy would have been safe if he just ran away at full speed.
I feel like those increasing specs are of diminishing return though.
Brandish on SNES was like this.
They’re good games. I don’t know if this $40 package is a better buy over the $6 PSN games you can play on Vita. But they’re fun and even though we have lots of platformers today there aren’t many like it.
I think Crash has held up pretty well, precisely because it’s not a 3D platformer. It is more like a 2D one with two different camera angles - the 3D sections are on rails.
No point in rewarding mediocrity.
Wow, 2.75.
Did you read “Listen Liberal” by Thomas Frank? because you should. Not sure if your blood pressure could withstand it though.
We do not.
Good counterargument
Who the fuck cares about this, seriously? It just looks like some smug shit that NYT-reading limousine liberals use to feel superior. It’s weird that liberals are using money and wealth to try to prove their legitimacy over their opponent.
Unions reflexively backed Hillary Clinton immediately and ignored a guy who has been staunchly pro-union his entire career. They backed Clinton because she is a powerful name and the guys on the top care more about proximity to power than their rank and file.
There are states where those sorts of protections are codified into law; for example France. And France has problems and is going through pains too. It also has an effect on the labor market; for example companies are less likely to hire as many people if it is harder to lay them off down the road.
I don’t even think that is necessary. I don’t think shareholders would be happy with companies sitting on tons of cash earning a minuscule interest rate instead of dispersing it to them or spending it to grow the business.
Regarding C, in general I am not a fan of corporate taxes. They are far too easy to dodge, produce far too many distortions in the economy, and end up hurting workers and customers. The ease in which companies like Apple and Microsoft can park money overseas to avoid taxes is evidence this ain’t working.
I don’t know how unions work in this world. I honestly don’t. Maybe if there was a parallel world where Dems didn’t sell unions down the river in the 1970s to cozy up to big money, there would be a way, but we don’t live in that world.
Sixers were never going to get full market value for Okafor and never will, because teams know they can’t play 37 big men at the same time and need to move them. They’re a desperate seller.