
Chip is the Billy King of NFL GMs.

Yea. If he actually is racist, it’s probably not hard to find him saying other stuff elsewhere. If they haven’t, it’s because he probably is not racist and did not call Venus a gorilla. I doubt this is even the first Venus or Serena match he worked on.

This must be your first HamNo article.

Yea, like I said, I think the system is changing, but NBA teams don’t rely on the D-League as a farm system to anywhere near the extent of MLB (who really do deserve much more than they get). I think it’s most notable usage the past few years was a place where teams were doing crazy stuff with offenses.

How is Von Miller going to carry around a damn traffic light?!?

How much money do you think the owners are making on the backs of the d-league? It’s not much. It’s more than it was, but this is not at all a situation like college basketball with its gazillion dollar TV deals.

You can practice standing at spot x and shooting at spot y all day long but it’s not going to do anything if you should really be shooting at spot z in the first place, which you’re far more likely to learn by seeing someone do it.

Watching film is a really important part of football - coaches are paid a lot of money to watch that shit so much. But ultimately the team has to practice on the field. Speaking of SB49:

Lessons are one-on-one engagements. The teacher can actually see what you do and talk about it. The equivalent analogy here would be hiring a CS pro to watch you play and give feedback (which I am sure some do).

What about, you know, just playing the game?

Hamilton doesn’t believe anyone is entitled to money they earn.

Can’t blame them. It’s happened before (CJ McCollum to name one). I don’t see any reason to barnstorm in the d-league if you’re not trying to make the show. A lot of these guys have college degrees and can do something else.

She made one of the most popular albums when album sales and money in the music industry were at their peak and continues to tour.

Billy King imo

They went to his house but only Mr. Woodchuck was there.

Rich people are not entitled to safety or property rights.

Or worked in the upper levels of a government that seized it “for the people.”

Depends on the area and the methodology is poor (IMO it’s more rhetoric than anything). A lot of these teams are not in big metropolises - Sioux Falls has an income per capital of $28,000, so the D-League salaries for the Skyforce is not that out of line. But for some, I mean, Santa Cruz is not a cheap place to live.

D-League players aren’t part of the NBAPA, correct? Nobody in that union is going to go to bat for them.

I haven’t seen a “if you want to see the *real* ending you have to pay!” DLC for years. It’s all side stuff now.