
I remember the first SB I cared about was XXV (a pretty good one!) and I thought, man I will be SO OLD when we get to the double of that.

1989 Ford Tempo

Define “almost nothing”? The flimsiest PS4 Pro patch is Overwatch. But they didn’t need to do it.

Yes. The system is designed in that way too. But every new game must ship with Pro enhancements. Developers have wide latitude on what they can be.

devs have to do the extra work now.

They wanted to focus on compatibility at launch, seems reasonable.

How many people with “ever-dwindling pay” have a financial advisor or money manager?

We had rules to avoid many of these problems. Bill Clinton got rid of many of them.

If Freeman doesn’t whiff/forget about the block on Hightower, I think the Falcons get a TD there and everyone’s praising them for playing aggressive and trying to put the game away. 

To be fair, I think someone who can’t engage on various topics kind of *is* boring. And it’s quite possible they are an asshole if they are dismissive of those topics (I know many nerds who look at sports like they are the bubonic plague).

Hockey didn’t work in Phoenix, who could have predicted that?

Perfect for a team that got Billy Kinged.

The DS games are, in general, underrated. They’re really good titles and stylus controls work great.

If they want people to experience the game solo, if they designed it to be a solo game, why not just make it solo only? Why even have a co-op? It sounds like they didn’t really think of this game as a co-op title.

well it doesn’t really matter

Let this be the lesson for you, nothing is the be-all end-all.

It should be obvious I was referring to a Scorpio enhanced version, like PS4 Pro.

Scorpio too probably, just saying.

His point, though, is that you can’t just go to the PD and ask for a restraining order.

define “nazi.”