
I've been squinting for the past five minutes.

I completely get what you're saying. My original comment was more or less my lamenting missing out on the series because while it looked cool to me, I never could get into it.

Yes please.

Those games have their place, and even though I'm not a fan of the Fallout series I know that a cookie-cutter money-grab MMO has no place here.

To make a comment, you know, like everybody here does.

Yes. I was making a comment lamenting about missing out on the series because of my personal distaste for the art direction.

Just making a simple comment. A non-inflammatory statement of opinion that is different than yours isn't trolling, let's tone the fan fervor down a few notches. Like you said, everyone has the right to not like something.

I understand the feels. If it were possible, yes.

Bethesda probably just wasn't impressed enough...even though they could use some more talent.

343 =/= Bungie, by the way.

I know that, but Fallout 3 was my introduction to the series, and I'd be willing to bet that Fallout 4 will follow the same gameplay mechanics as Fallout 3 and NV.

You're welcome!

I just couldn't get into Fallout 3, and I really wanted to...I just don't like the 1950's retro-scifi art style they chose.

All this does is make me want to start up my PC copy of Skyrim again...

...Then I remember my Nvidia 250GTS memory leaks all over the place.

I love this mod.



Well, if there's any consolation, he's been banned from the Eurogamer Expo for life.

My first 360 had this problem. Xbox Square One.

Eh? How many points was that one?

To me, it's just another reason to keep my money as far away from the Xbone as possible. Do I think Microsoft will place back all of their DRM policies slowly? No, not really, but it's little actions like these that make me never want to trust them. They waited until hours before the console's launch to strip this

I wish I was. It's ridiculous.