
@hostile-17: I have to agree. I think more data is needed before making any judgements. There are over zealous police officers out there making it harder for good cops to do their job and keep their respective streets safe. But I think many of us would agree, in a tense situation if you had to choose bteween

Outed by baby announcement??

@DrGonzho: User manuals will only be crappy stick figure pictures

@kamalster: The TAT purchase is merely a snapshot of what RIM is doing. First off RIM would have to be complete jackasses to ignore the lackluster response to OS 6. Many people who want to hate on RIM are ignoring the fact that RIM aquired QNX which will have their kernal running in the upcoming Playbook tablet and

@carg1: The haters out there were expecting bi-pedal humaniods of some type, probably from watching too many hours of Star Trek reruns on Syfy channel. But as insignificant as they believe this discovery may be, it opens the door to the fact that our long held previous assumptions were wrong. Which is a rather big

They look great. Im curious...TDK is really using D cell batteries in these things??? No Li-on rechargable units??? Do they even make D cell batteries anymore?

@Maximillian: Assange isn't dragging us through the mud. We as a nation have jumped into the mud head first. It would be one thing if the information posted was clearly falsified then we can simply point that out. But its not false and in an age where it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the truth via

@anitesh.jaswal: BBM is rather addictive. But as others in this thread stated, RIM has the right to protect their rights under their patent. I've fielded enough comments from Blackberry haters/defectors who are rather passionate about their disdain for Blackberry, but all their arguments are personal gripes. Any

Will it stop priest from buggering the kids too??

@i ♥ Tofu: while I like some fun features of droid, I can't give up my berry because I need communication to be secure & immediate without any glitches otherwise I lose $. Im not a fan of the totalitarian style of iPhone/Steve Jobs so I will avoid it.

ROFLMAO...I JUST SPIT UP MY COFFEE ON MY KEYBOARD.... This woman is insane... hahahahahahah

If there is one good thing to say about technology is catching scumbags like this in the act. That and catching politicians lying like the dirtbags they are.

I just read this article by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the internet, in which he states companies like Facebook & Apple are destroying the internet. Below is a quote

Pregnant or fat does it really matter?? you're getting a seat on crowded NYC Train! SAY THANK YOU & STFU

We can all comment all day on the whether these parents actions were right or wrong. Unless you are a parent in that situation its hard to say exactly what you will do. Considering the times and how bullying/Cyber bullying is leading so many kids suicide and a slew of other problems I cannot fault these parents for

While I don't agree with his actions, he is voicing the fustrations of a nation.

Regardless of your political stance- Palin is NOT a great dancer. This crap program has officially jumped the shark.