
Im a dude, I stay in good shape and I have alot of female friends who have asked for my advice regarding fitness and the #1 item that is always a point of contention is they refuse to listen to the fact that engaging in weight lifting or tough calisthenics (like kickboxing) will not only allow them to lose fat faster,

the scarist thing is that all this BS makes sense to her.

@skivAman: EXACTLY. I hope the state gov't succeeds. Unfortunately many citizens of Texas will suffer, but at least it will get the message across. And it will be a very harsh lesson. It is always a surprise when people vote against their best interest and it simply has to stop.

@anitesh.jaswal: Regarding security on your blackberry, ironically

Gary "instigated" the domestic violence he experienced being the victim of Amber's rage? She should be arrested for assualt.

@Kajj: becoming a parent changes you, 99% of the time its for the better. Good to see Mariah falling into that crowd.

Its seems that everyone wants instant hit. If memory serves right there were plenty of times that BSG was rather slow & deliberate. Considering the range of topics Caprica involved, rushing thru any particular story arc would have left too many questions in the air. I hope this show gets a 2nd chance.

@AngryFork: EXACTLY. Also consider that in other parts of the world construction deadlines are met, budgets are either very close or spot on target and buildings are open for business upon completion. Beaucracy? Red Tape? Political BS? All the above and more. News this morning of new Hudson Rain Tunnel being

Give credit where credit is due, very ambitious & creative plans considering it was from 1916. Meanwhile in the real world 2nd ave tunnel, WTC Tower, Triboro Bridge, etc are still being worked on at a snails pace.

@Palmerlime: I couldn't agree more. His films are just fantastically horrible, pure crap and WONDERFUL. He's like a 21st century Ed Wood

Cool.. good to see someone with enough determination and focus to get a project done. But lets get real, 24M songs? yeah right more like 70TB of quality PORN!

There should be a licensing law in place stating that if you want to become a parent you need to get psychologically evaluated and pass an exam. License would last 10 years at which point you could renew it if you wanted to have more children after that point. It harder to get a drivers license than it is for a nut

@Irving94: If you scan the Blackberry centric sites (ex. you will see that this was being discussed when news of QNX being taken over by RIM. The QNX neutrino architecture is not only small and highly efficient in running processes, it is also very conservative in power consumption. "Supposedly" RIM

Great now the tea-baggers will associate the POTUS to peace loving aliens

@divinelioness: "Context" that doesn't exist in America anymore. Everything seems to get twisted and boiled down to simpliest terms, so that the simpliest among us can follow along. Context would imply that someone pay attention, apply critically thinking and common sense. All of which are in very short supply

@Gretchen: Too bad they don't have such clauses/conditions imposed on politicians, reverends/priests or parents

While I respect her right to speak about her own life and experience, it seems she was intelligent enough to understand & accept the possible repurcussions of her decision to speak. Also just to play devils advocate- she was apparantly an excellent art teacher for 3rd graders. The notion that she would "contaminate"

@DeadCowboy: This is probably for public release only. Im willing to bet that behind closed (secured doors) this thing can probably rip a car in half, they just dont want to scare the crap out of the masses.

If the regulators cant stop him maybe a class action lawsuit from all the victims who fell ill to his salmonella tainted eggs will.

@Mufinn Man: Any soda made with real sugar taste much better. Red Bull makes a cola with real cane sugar. There is also a brand called GUS (Grown Up Soda) that is GREAT!!