
Im glad you specified "UNRULY Children" because not all kids act like A-holes on planes. Some parents actually do their jobs and control their children very well. I think instead of banning children either A) create family only flights or B) charge parents extra for disruptive children.

@Lynx: If Levi hopes to ever have any real relationship with his son he should never under any circumstances sign over any of his rights as a parent.

Someone is not over Levi

@goatonastik: Very fair assessment. So remove him completely out of the "wheel chair" category and put him under some All Terrain Vechicle type license allowing him to utilize the chair within the confines of the law. Classifying his ride as a tank basically takes away all his options. Incidentally his chair in his

@goatonastick: For some reason, I doubt this guy was thinking about exclusivily using traditional handicap accessible areas. I understand your comments, however I don't see a reason why he shouldn't be allowed to use it on the road/ off road if he chose to with the provision that if he were to attempt to use a wheel

Unless I see some more pics- I'm calling it SHOPPED!


Decent specs finally, however no mention of QNX? How can RIM tease us @ CES with Playbook demo's talking about the scalability and power of QNX and NOT introduce a handheld with it in 2011??

This headphone amp is total Schiit.

Apparantly there is more to this story, Westboro will not protest this childs funeral in exchange for television airtime to promote their ridiculous, hateful message. Extortion at its finest

No QNX?, No 4G/LTE ? No deal. This is a gap filling device until QNX gets on handhelds.

@xaronax: If the needs of the zillion suits is met, then in their minds the true potential of the smart phone is acheived. So its not so much a matter of ignorance being rampant as much as needs/wants being subjective to user.

Has Lazaridis ever heard of Moore's law? Wouldn't advancements in battery quality & life also affect the end result? Is he trying to say that battery tech has stalled? If you have been paying attention to RIM as of lately they have a few exciting developments underway and every single time Lazaridis speaks

I wonder if anyone in Gomez' camp is taking these threats seriously? I think it would be a nice family event for law enforcement to pay a visit to some of the more agressive tweeting tweeners. Never to old to be held accountable for your words and/or actions.

This article might need an update- I believe he may have landed a job in Cleveland. Any proof to this rumor??

@Doinker: EXACTLY.....New Years Resolution for Gawker and it fans...GET THIS GUY A JOB!

This effect sucked as much as it did years back when Paula Abdul did it for her music video "Promise of New Day"

I think we may have found RIM's weak link. Co-CEO Jim Basille & VP of special projects David Neale have done great jobs promoting the Playbook, QNX benefits and the new direction of RIM. Most recently Neale was at Rogers Tablife and had a great interview (link Below). Lazaridis may have been having a bad day or