Ghost in the Machine

I really liked the episode except that part with Grace dying. She was so brave and awesome and I hate being right about that.

I haven’t felt the urge to call someone a fameball since the mid-aughts, but then Michael Avenatti came along and brought the word back into my vocabulary.

Fuckin cut-rate Gloria Allred. 

Good one!

Q: What’s the easiest way to end up with $1,000,000?

Let’s put aside the sexual assault allegations for just a moment (and I believe Dr. Ford—certainly much moreso than I believe Kavanaugh’s denials—but I’m coming to a point), and consider only the character of Judge Kavanaugh as revealed in his testimony last Thursday.

I’m already circumcised, you idiot.

But if the Democrats are able to retake Congress and the presidency again, they should just ram this all through.

If a woman nominee had ever comported herself so ridiculously, that alone would have been enough to deem her unfit for a Supreme Court seat. And not just by Republicans, but by American society at large. She’d be considered crazy and hysterical.


Ivanka a Hooter’s uniform delivering bucket after bucket of KFC?

This is interesting and I realize that you are in the City but the overwhelming majority of New York hates Trump and the republicans that he has actually made look worse. Who would have thought that was possible?

Charlie Cox as Deborah Ann Woll and Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page.

Kavanaugh is handing over his 1982 calendar to the Senate Judiciary Committee

I NEVER answer a call if I don’t know the number. Never. That’s what voice mail is for...

Figured something like this was coming when they had a character in the Amazon series that was obviously Clark but somehow wasn’t actually named Clark.

I can accept an immortal time traveling alien with two hearts that lives in a magic box but not if she’s female!

Except that horse will now spring back up and devour the abusive jerk.

What am I missing? It sounds like she is saying that she used to prefer it dry, but now she prefers it with milk? So, it would stand to reason that you and she disagree about cereal? 

He totally going to get in. Jeff flake being his typical self has already folded. If she doesn’t show up Monday republicans will say they gave her a chance and will vote him in. I don’t see any republican voting no.