Ghost in the Machine

It’s worth noting that Netflix’s DVD selection is often quite a bit wider than that afforded by its streaming deals.

Plus it helps preserve institutional knowledge as former colleagues can come and say, “hey John, you’ve left some shitty documentation, why the hell does plan X include step Y and should we really do that given current situation Z?”

I’ll bet none of them volunteered. Some WH lackey told some military officer, “We need 10-12 enlisted people for a photo-op. Get some white people, of course, but for sure a couple blacks, a Hispanic, an Asian, and some women.”

Oh no! Not a blue hallway full of old paintings! Essie, bring my fainting chair and the smelling salts! I’m about to have the vapors!

Just Die Hard, Already!

Thoughts and Prayers

No lie.  My first concern was that Jack would eat the ranch dressing smothered salad as soon as his daughter left the diner. 

The retool of this show stripped it of any charm it actually had. I loved the weird scifi stuff in the first half of the season. The rest of the season post-retool felt very different and I just didn’t think it was that good.

How did I not know about this? It has to of my favorite things-oversized suits and shortened versions of pop songs.

So I guess it’s official: we’re not getting Cloak & Dagger reviews.

He also said that it would be “separate, but equal” to other branches of the armed forces. Which would be a hilariously inappropriate choice of words coming from any other administration, but is just par for the course for the Fucking Idiot in Chief

A yellow bird

The climax is Diana fighting Dionysus on top of a speeding truck full of New Coke.

Obviously none of them are Zedd. Because Zedd’s dead baby. Zedd’s dead.

These are the life lessons I come here for.

Idiots. They should’ve just had the B be brunch. Covers both pancakes and burgers.

Not anymore. She’ll be bleached blond by the end of the week.

Something is going on here.