Ghost in the Machine

How about a diarrhea inducing sound?

Touché, Doctor.

Top image: Starship Invasion, a Canuxploitaiton classic

In essence the creation and manipulation was really just an elaborate cover for political promotion and power

Well it was set up through the episode that Kat wasn't up on movies (and presumably TV as well). The "guy in the trunk" thing is obvious if you've seen a lot of stuff like Goodfellas but I can see Kat not automatically thinking of it.

Some people were reading a lot into the interaction between Mulan and Aurora. Read the comments from last week's recap.

One of the things I really like about POI is that they actually developed Fusco a little bit instead of just leaving him as Reese's pet dirty cop.

What? Last Resort is on at 8 and POI is on at 9. I can watch both without using a DVR.

I really do watch Kitchen Nightmares before Fringe so I'm at least semi-serious.

Yeah! Kitchen Nightmares is back! There's no better lead-in show for Fringe!

I would watch the hell out of an El Jefe Vador movie.

I just read about this recently. Oh, wait, it was you commenting on a different article.

At first glance that's who I thought it was.

Cameron Winklevoss has time-traveled back to the Old West to prevent a chrono-hopping Mark Zuckerberg from building the Transcontinental Railroad.

Mulan and Sleeping Beauty united to bring back the world they love! Princes are stupid — let's just make out a little bit, and see how it feels!

I've seen the movie. I meant I hadn't seen the movie The Lift referenced in the article.

Now playing

The evil elevator made me think of this Naomi Watts star vehicle instead The Lift (which I haven't seen).

But they are nice legs ;)

I assume there's more to everyone in Haven until proven otherwise.