Crap. It's proposition time again in California.
Crap. It's proposition time again in California.
That's exactly what I meant by not dropping into Gawker/Jezebel territory. That story has been sensationalized across those other sites.
Thanks for staying a little classy and not dropping into Gawker/Jezebel territory on the Snow White and the Huntsman story.
I'm not saying there isn't a real Brother Data, just that this version of him is in Artie's mind. The real one (that we saw in the original timeline) is still in France with no idea what's going on.
I debated how to put it and finally settled on "Brother Data is Tyler Durden" as the simplest way to sum it up. And arguably Brother Data is Tyler Durden is an alternate personality.
I like the "Brother Data is Tyler Durden" (oops, sorry for spoiling Fight Club) theory other commenters are bringing up. It actually fits with what we know - literally an evil of his own making - and fits Artie's increasingly stressed out behavior.
It's funny you mentioned BSG because I was considering earlier how unfavorable this episode is compared to the BSG arcs you mentioned (seeing Captain Kelly probably made me thing of the Galactica). Maybe there will be a twist next week but it just seemed like the Charleston standoff could have played out for longer…
Yes, there will be a third season.
Have you read Ayn Rand's Anthem? It's the least cringeworthy of her works (she really should have stopped writing right then) and explains her philosophy in a way that doesn't make you want to gouge your eyes out. And it is a definite work of sci fi set in a dystopian future.
What's that top image from? I'd like to see the full cover.
Very few things can reach my cold, jaded, cynical, armor-plated heart but this is one of them.
Agreed. Old school space lush Scotty FTW.
I would have used the following for the last bit:
You do know that Lester Holt and Ed Schultz were playing themselves, right?
I've actually seen that version of Casino Royale before. It's on the DVD for the 1967 version of the movie of the same name (the one with Peter Sellers and David Niven).
That Mary Margaret seems like too much of a princess for my taste. Regina sounds like a nice, down to earth woman, though.