Welcome to the club. It happens to a lot of us (including me).
Welcome to the club. It happens to a lot of us (including me).
Okay, so I wasn't the only one that happened to.
A Warehouse 13 episode called "A New Hope"? Claudia and/or Pete better make a Star Wars reference somewhere in there.
I never paid attention to individual skitters and I don't even remember Tom stabbing one in the eye. I didn't even notice the red eye last night that everyone is talking about.
I didn't even realize it was the same skitter until you pointed it out. I wasn't really watching the aliens closely and I'm probably not the only one who missed that detail. Now I'm curious what the deal with that skitter is.
The lift stabilizers cut out at 100,000 ft. The craft tumbled towards earth as Major Haas, call sign Dutch, wrestled with the controls. The craft had minimal airfoil surface since it relied on alien lift technology. With the stabilizers out, the craft had all the flight characteristics of a brick.
If it is watch it. Even though you know how it ends (spoiler alert - they don't kill Hitler) it's still gripping when the assassination plot gets going.
There are a lot of good British actors in it (Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, and Kenneth Branagh among others). I'd even say Tom Cruise ups his acting game in this from being around all that talent.
Having seen Prometheus (yes, this is a mild spoiler) that top image is somewhat disturbing.
But...this is how I learned about Hamlet.
From the first clip it looks like he's in serious mode (I prefer that, too) so this might actually be a Netflix movie for me (still not interested enough to see it in a theater).
Welcome aboard, George. After a while you won't even notice the headaches from the brain implant.
Looks like an interesting show but I'll have to wait until I can see it legally in the U.S. to check it out.
Really showing my age here but I immediately thought of these guys.
I've never read the comics so just based on the show the last one made perfect sense to me. Carl "beats" Shane when he shots Walker Shane.
I'm guessing it's some type of silencer (at least a sound suppressor) considering noise is the biggest problem they have with using guns.
That was exactly my first thought.
Your comment made me think of this. [en.wikipedia.org]%28novel%29
Is there a video here? All I've got is a black rectangle. I had to follow the link to MTV *shudder* to see the video.