To be honest, the pilot didn't really grab my interest. I might give it another chance, though, since the episodes are still up at the NBC site.
To be honest, the pilot didn't really grab my interest. I might give it another chance, though, since the episodes are still up at the NBC site.
A tank top, a nose ring, and visible tattoos on her back. What kind of workplace is that?
When I regained consciousness after my knee surgery there was a large orderly standing there. He was there because I had been "combative" when first coming out of the anesthesia.
I'm behind on the Temeraire series but I really liked the first book. It's worth the read if you have any interest in the time period.
That idea is going to be in the back of my mind when I see this now.
Cool! I'll have to add snake wine to my list of fantasy story potables.
What was compromised? I couldn't tell what the hell he was saying.
Looks like we need to nuke the oceans to show those uppity seals who the dominant species is.
On the plus side, the fact that I don't find this appealing at all must mean I'm not a completely pathetic loser.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Now if I could just combine the Ackbar Bass with the Dharma Initiative alarm clock.
Thanks, now I recognize the image.
For some reason I'm drawing a total blank on the third one (Bom, Bom, Bom, Bom). Can someone help me out?
Major Jones looked at her reflection in the mirror with dismay. Her Change had started. Part of her face had become dark in the familiar masklike shape and formed hard glittery scales. She had watched it happen to Townsend and Cooper. Each of them had been removed from the room after their Changes had finished. …
Because people are lazy and apathetic. It's an opt-in system so it's too much effort (yes, I know it's not too difficult to do but it's still too much effort for a lot of people).
I'm pretty sure they look for obvious stuff ("So Mr. Overclock, explain this picture of you with the Frenchwoman and the Egyptian."), they just don't tell you about it.
So are people like me with no Facebook accounts considered more suspicious or better prospects?
"cover them in KY Jelly and wave them in Sigourney Weaver's face."