Ghost in the Machine

From the linked site these spheres are supposed to have 3 internal floors though there's no mention of how the space is used.

I wouldn't even want to visit in daylight. I'd keep imagining the doll parts were moving around when I wasn't looking, Weeping Angel style.

Wasn't Zhora also originally a pleasure model Replicant before being retrained as an assassin?

Damn! I almost wish I hadn't watched because now I really want to see where this would have gone as a series. I liked this pilot better than Grimm's pilot.

Finally. Someone else who doesn't like The Fifth Element. If you put a gun to my head and made me choose, I'd watch Jar Jar Binks over Chris Tucker. That's how much I don't like him.

Daniel Shaw is an old villain in Once Upon A Time? I'm so confused.

I hope it's a small-r relationship too.

Is it just me or does this look like Transformers at sea?

I'm not sure I even had what you call the "Christmas spirit" when I was a kid. Maybe when I was real young but definitely not by age twelve. I certainly never had it as an adult.

The sense of fun is what made it work and allowed me to get through it. And it was a lot less relentlessly Christmasy than last year's "very special Christmas" episode.

"relying on the viewer's Christmas cheer and the infectious fun of the episode itself to paper over the fact that the story doesn't really make any sense."

I would guess the McCain thing has to do with Pete's mom. If Pete wasn't born, then Jane(way) did or didn't do something, probably artifact related, that led to the McCain presidency.

Is Michael Bay available?

Yikes! That first image is serious nightmare fuel. If someone gave me a stuffed two-headed creature there will be harsh language to say the least.

I really wish they could have found a way to keep Number One. There was a lot of potential for the character and I wonder how her relationship with Captain Womanizer would have worked.

Judging from the top image I'd say bringing lots of makeup seems to be on the list as well.

You forgot a new episode of Sanctuary Friday night. But at least you mentioned Haven's Christmas episode.

"George Lucas commissioned a final set of storyboards, storyboards likely residing in a Lucasfilm vault behind more metal and lasers than Walt Disney's frozen head, with the final documents protected by guards from THX 1138. "