Ghost in the Machine

He always used the rank of Colonel. It showed he was a humble man of the people blah, blah, blah.

As a responsible gun owner, I find that top image disturbing in so many ways.

Hmm. Never heard of this movie before, but it's in the Netflix queue now.

So has Real Steel 2: Steel Harder been greenlit yet? And when is The Asylum knockoff movie (Robot Steel?) coming out? Time to totally milk the cow until it's dry.

Wow! This is one of the few times I have to admit the headline isn't over the top. Unadulterated horror indeed.

I want to see a show or movie based on that top picture.

Yes , you are right. Cupcake And Ax To The Gut Girl was the patient with the dreams of being chopped in half. And yes, he should be escorting his patients to the front door instead of letting strangers wander around his house alone.

Actually it reminds me of this.

In case you haven't seen the outside of the Svalbard vault. Could they have made it look any more like someone's evil lair?

Now playing

Hey! How did I miss the Predator musical [] ? "If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It" will be stuck in my head all day.

I'm thinking her clothes are different too. But I can't remember what Olivia used to wear when she wasn't in the standard Female Federal Agent Uniform (aka the black pantsuit).

I think the more noticeable use of glasses is one of the subtle differences in the new universe along with Olivia's new hair (braid vs. ponytail).

I doubt they brought heavy construction equipment in. The bridge was probably cut into small enough pieces to get out by pickup truck (yes, that's a lot of trips). They were probably experienced construction workers and took risks that you couldn't do on a legitimate work site. Obviously they got some lucky breaks

From the video at the link, it seems the bridge was in an isolated area (presumably unused) so the thieves had plenty of time to do the job without being disturbed. I'm assuming the salvage value of the steel itself covered the cost of the equipment with some profit left over.

Thanks to watching Sucker Punch (and subsequent research), I recognized the lobotomy spike and hammer right away. And yes, it's done through the eye like that.

I don't even know what to say about this. But as an agnostic black man I'm probably not the target audience for Escape to Paradise anyway.

GAH! That eye! It's sucking out my soul!

I'd like to think that not all men make these sorts of noises after catching their Halloween-costumed ghost maid playing with herself.