
There isn’t one, Matthew Gault is just unable to articulate his thoughts in a meaningful way.

Wait, Keanu Reeves is in your mind in Cyberpunk 2077? You can’t just spoil that in a comic before the game is even finished!

I suppose if you consider where they started before Seinfeld. JLD was already like, a billionaire. Well okay her family is worth billions, but you get the idea. She didn’t have to work a day in he life, she just legit loves working. And is somehow not a complete piece of shit.

and the somewhat problematic trope of the “civilized” outsider taking charge of them”

I hear “Skyrim in space” and all I can think is that it’ll be interesting for the first few hours but then the drudgery will set in. You’ll realize that nothing you do really matters to the world or the plot. Characters will never grow or change. Combat will be horribly repetitive and predictable. And that, after the

While marijuana might be seen as a “soft” drug in the U.S., in Taiwan it’s classified alongside amphetamines and opium.”

Came here to theorize on the same thing.

I’ve always approved of ICP just because they target a demographic (poor white rural males) that’s otherwise at extremely high risk of becoming racist right-wing shitheads

They should do it as a series anthology. Breaking up/divorce/Kevin’s inevitable stalking is season 2 and in the style of a Lifetime movie. Season 3: Allison starts dating and it’s a wacky ensemble rom-sitcom. Season 4 finds Allison with her new job working at the precinct and her interactions with workers take on a

I wish this was an anthology series so the second season could focus on a Flintstones like dynamic where Wilma feeds Fred to a dinosaur.

career suicide squad

I don’t get it. I just don’t understand the need to pay, play, and dump a game like this. I mean, at least not in the numbers required to kill a studio. I can see some people doing it. But the majority of them?

The cynic in me wonders if this company is using this to divert blame away from their business practices,

I think the “What if...” scenario is clearly just Hope joining SHIELD. Her dying is a consequence of that change, along with everything else that happens in this episode.

I’m not against criticizing, I’m against the insanity that causes folks who are mad at a game that didn’t warn them about threatening behavior to react by...threatening people.

the whole point of this What If episode just became somewhat baffling

I feel like since all the main competition for quality content has now gone over to cable channels and streaming, the original networks have fallen back on “just reboot everything from 20 years ago.” And it’s really, really depressing.

It’s so we can dig up dirt on you if you’re ever up for a TV game show hosting gig some time in the future. 

This just all feels very reminiscent of the 30 Rock joke about how NBC’s new plan was to “make it 1997 again through science or magic”. Except replace 1997 with 2005, I guess.

See, I thought Thor getting Stormbringer was a great misdirect. It’s the weapon that can kill Thanos!! He has to nearly sacrifice his life to get it! The handle is Groot’s arm! It sets up the 11th hour victory that usually happens in these movies! And it almost happens!
Yes, it ends up being a red herring, but that’s

“I had to rewind it to see that his ship was called the Mandela.”