
But what about bro’s fragile sense of superiority? We have to remember what’s really important around here.

One guy driving like a dick and you put that off on the car itself? Your brain works bad.

The dashcam guy barely slowed for the vehicle turning in front of him then accelerated back up to speed. The Flex driver did the common hurry to get in front no hurry once there. I don’t see why the honking or posting of the video. I won’t react to much worse and certainly don’t save or post the video. 

It’s amazing to me how  many dashcam owners willingly upload videos showing them being complete assholes. 

The Flex driver looks stupid, yeah.

I would even question the “extra” braking, I mean, there is traffic in front of him, you have this idiot in a brodozer honking at you...

Well, damn, I totally missed that. Yep, Flex driver is the bigger d-bag.

I thought so too, but look again, the flex driver cut in front of the line on the wrong side of the road to turn right.

Truck driver literally went out of his way to speed up around the Rav 4 making that right hand turn in order to hit the brakes harder and justify laying on his horn.

I don’t blame the Flex driver. I’d want to get away from the douche in the truck who thinks no one should be allowed to pull out on the same road as him.

Why did the dashcam guy honk at the Flex driver in the first place? Speed up and honk? Who’s the dick first? Then the Flex driver retaliates with extra braking? File this one under : “When idiots meet.”

And then followed it up with assault. Classy.

A hard-packed, well-thrown snowball makes a very startling sound when it impacts sheet metal or safety glass. Startling people is really funny, unless they’re the sort of people who respond badly to being startled.

this is a great argument for concealed carry

Too bad your buddy’s older brother didn’t meet his match or did the little man look for cars where he thought he could take the person driving.

I grew up in Cleveland. Jerks who did this when I lived there did real damage to cars. The response may have been wrong, but the snowball hitting the car was also wrong. I’m fairly certain I can dent a car 100% of the time if I hit it with a snowball. Also don’t forget the distraction the sudden event can cause.

You mean you would hang around, throw snowballs at vehicles, then hope people stop and get out so you could beat them up?  If so, username checks.

just reckless driving?  I mean...she tried to intentionally hit people.

Man. You sure showed him. It’ll make him think twice about doing this to another human being.

Care to provide any more detail on these “oil company subsidies” which, if existent, are supposedly in a comparable scale to the $21 trillion this plan requires?