
The touchscreens themselves aren’t mandatory, but now that a screen is mandatory because the backup camera itself is mandatory, no automobile manufacturer is going to put a separate screen in the vehicle just for the backup camera alone unless the regulation is modified to require it. For the manufacturers, it’s

I’m so unjalop about this. I have a ‘15 dart gt and I genuinely wish the entire panel of buttons between the touchscreen and the shifter weren’t there and there was storage instead. I’ve literally never used the dials and buttons in the 3 years I’ve owned the car.

I never use them. Ever. The radio controls are on the

I’m not sure that’s really a “trend” in the spirit of this post any more than saying the lack of seatbelts in most cars was a trend until 1968.

So, three points.

Neat idea. Let’s do some very rough back-of-the-envelope calculations on the economic costs of this proposal.

Why? Brake lights should be dedicated and red. Turn signals should be separate and amber.

I’m not sure if it’s a “trend”, and it’s petty as all hell, but I don’t like brake light / turn signal combinations. When I see that red light come on, part of me wonders: “Is this guy slowing down with two of his brake lights burned out? (In a state without inspection requirements, this is a common occurrence), or