Alex Spiva

I just left a hipster coffee shop.  It was PACKED with former Dallas Cowboys practice squad rejects talking about how shoe companies funnel money to players for NCAA recruiting efforts.

Holy shit, I’ve been in meetings all day. I’m just catching up with the CL action. And meh... United losing at the Camp Nou is the least surprising thing of this round. They’re resurgent under Ole, but they still have glaring holes in that lineup. They’re just not up to Barca’s level.

Damnit Lauren, I can’t believe you are holding out about the scene where Scott Lang goes up Thanos’s ass and then grows.

Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a

Just...just wear the clothes. We know who it is, the costume’s good and fine on its own, there’s no need to Blackface it up. Jesus, why is this so hard?

Yeah just don’t do that. 

You laugh, but Ty Lue checks all the boxes for this organization:

Do people really believe Ty Lue is a better coach than Walton?

THE RISE OF SKYWALKER?! If the Skywalker they’re talking about is Rey -- after they did the best thing they possibly could by freeing her of that shackle and making her her own character -- then I’m out.

Prison guards and the prison system are wholly responsible for ANY and ALL violence that occurs in the facilities they are running.

This is one of the reasons why we are a Third World Banana Republic.

Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s

Uh, did Timofey Mozgov bring guns to the locker room during the term of his contract and ask his own teammate which of them he’d like to be shot with?

As also suggested in the post, I guess now they have to go sign Dallas Keuchel.

Spot on Tom — Spending lots of money on Dallas Keuchel would solve all of the O’s problems. His strikeout rate has dropped considerably while simultaneously giving up more hits. Over the last three season, his FIP is 3.78 — he’s a league average pitcher at this point.

As a fan, I can assure you, winning the opening series of the year in the Bronx and being 3-1 today is exciting, given the current state of the organization as outlined in the post.

I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.

Just like we learned in 4th grade health class:

I read it as basically “I’m such a big deal that not only will I be back on this show, I’ll be back as a real host”. Makes the response all the more amazing.

As long as the NFL has the NCAA acting as a de facto farm system - with FREE labor, the AAF is in deep shit. Maybe the AAF should start targeting high school kids and offer them something colleges can’t - MONEY (though I’m not sure the AAF has much of it to throw around) - if it wants to try to survive.