Alex Spiva

I blame Hillary because she treated Trump the way that most of his did, like he didn’t have a chance in hell in winning. That’s fine for us, but if you’re running against him, that’s a different story. She just knew she was going to win, thought she had it in the bag, so she could skip some states because, hey, she

From what I’ve seen (and I’m still looking into it), Bernie surrogates can blame anemic youth turnout for losing to Biden (in the states in which he did) on Super Tuesday.

i know these offerings are like, meant to representative of middle-America or whatever and that’s why pols flock to these places to seem “normal” but can someone tell me if people eat these on the regular?

yeah, no.

He should have gone with honky

Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?

He can’t play for Team Russia, but can he play for Team OAR when Russia is banned again for doping?

I refuse to believe Sidney Crosby is cool enough to do drugs. 

If the NHL banned cocaine it would have ZERO players.

Unlike the IIHF, cocaine is not considered a performance enhancing drug and is therefore not a Prohibited Substance under the NHL/NHLPA Performance Enhancing Substances Program.

Am I the only one who watches that video and thinks that the guy racing the fridge is in on the gag?

How far both teams have fallen in five seasons.

I mean, if his parents brought him to a Royals - Orioles game, they obviously don’t love him. This is obviously a case of using the baseball as a substitute for the love he lacks from his parents.

At the risk of sounding totally antisocial (and risking people asking “why the hell did you buy this game in the first place), Instant Action sounds like exactly the sort of no-brain time-killer that will get me back into playing this. I liked the MP fine, but there’s always a level of inherent stress playing against

I’d never heard of Dundalk before 5 minutes ago, but I now hate it a lot.

You mean 3/5ths?

“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

Tired of all these primadonnas complaining about not getting to play with what they want. Well boohoo snowflake, there are millions of people who would gladly take your place and play for nothing. What happened to being a MAN and playing football in nothing but a leather shell? That’s real FOOTBALL. You go out there

Inject this straight into my veins. I need this saga to be drawn out as long as possible, bringing the Raiders, AB, and everyone else past their breaking points. I need panicked public statements, I need social media meltdowns, and I need Jon Gruden turning shades of red that even Deadpsin couldn’t photoshop. I love