Alex Spiva

Right. He was just relying on that unwritten agreement worth potentially millions of dollars given where RG3 was in 2012. Never bothered getting it in writing.

Could be I am way off base, but unless he brings forth something pretty damn compelling he wouldn’t want me on his jury. And I would say that before finding out

Pretty sure it would be the food doing the asshole ripping in that scenario.

Fuck Philly.  But that was a fun game.

Flagrant 2 all day, but that’s a monster flop from Embiid right? Anyway, here’s what I found in my extensive research for this comment...Marcus Smart is listed at 6'4" 225 lbs., which I think I believe. Embiid is listed at 7' flat, 249 lbs., fuckin’ way on earth.

No this is different, and I will explain in a series of 1000 kinja posts, but you must ask the right questions.

If you can’t blame a child for being abused, who can you blame?

“Sometimes I get it right, other times I can be pretty obtuse.”

That stinks. Everybody good is dead. Love or hate Phelps, the guys passion for pushing skateboarding to its limit was palpable. Give him a bullhorn@a jam session & watch him push the best pro skaters to the gnarliest heights. Bust or bail Jake, sitting next to Satan as we speak.

Have you ever heard of a little thing called the 1st AMENdment? Guess NOT!!!11!

They literally can react faster than the rest of the world, even when bullets are flying. They can react quicker than anyone else when something happens on that field.

So by that logic, because The Daily Caller makes a butt-ton of money we should cut them some slack as well?

But also the most spot-on.

I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.

a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.

Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly

No but the line areas are ridiculously long and mostly indoors so that will help. These were the main questions Disney was very coy about over the course of this trip.

I know he was being stupid and breaking the law, but I do have some pity for him just for the three seconds of free fall he experienced where he thought he was going to die. I’ve had that nightmare, so I know how scary it is.

You say this happened in Florida?

You’re supposed to tip at Sonic? Who knew?

Lawyer here. The fact that police or the district attorney do not charge a thing does not mean such a thing did not occur, nor that they have no evidence whatsoever of such a thing occurring. It means they don’t think they have enough evidence to secure a conviction. Oftentimes this is because the way a statute is