
The lack of a nod being given to Marvel UK, Captain Britain or Alan Moore/Alan Davis given the provenance of ‘616' as a concept seems both an oversight and a missed opportunity, tbh.

But then you’d have to play games on PC…

This show cannot come soon enough! I hope it has some of the tone and stylings from John Byrne’s classic run.

I seriously don’t understand stans for faceless (soulless?) corporate movie studios.

Careful you don’t sprain your arm with that reach. 

Yeah, me too! Obviously the return of Static Shock will make headlines, but IMHO Icon and Hardware deserve their time in the spotlight.

Hear, hear. Geoff Johns‘ principle contribution is writing the DCU into a corner. The fact that Rebirth had to follow the New 52 so quickly should be a massive embarrassment, no idea why Johns still gets rewarded for his retrograde ideas.

I for one think going the Kenobi route would’ve made the most sense and added cohesion if only because of the “these are you first steps” line of v/o in the flashback sequence from The Force Awakens.

No, Blame SuperFriends, where Johns was first introduced to the then-new character of Cyborg. So he’s never been a “Titan” character for Geoff, just a SuperFriend, and he can’t acknowledge that 95% of Vic’s history is with Titans.

Johns has been creatively moribund since before GL: Rebirth, IMHO.

Hear hear, +1 for your well-reasoned and proportionate comment.

Geoff Johns’ garbage continues to be a problem for DC, this time off the page. 

+1, came here for this comment.

Now playing

This is missing the announcement video for the Turrican anthology collection!

Both The Last of Us and The Last of Us Part II are currently available on most video game platforms called PlayStation.

Then IMHO the Wachowskis should have had the courage of their convictions and transposed the characters and setting to the USA in its entirety, rather than the muddled and diluted approach they took.

You know what? I quite like Snyder’s Watchmen. I mean it’s as deep as a puddle of water and IMHO misinterprets Moore’s message, but at least it took fewer liberties than V For Vendetta’s adaptation.

I don’t think the word “anarchy” features in the movie even once.

If by “both” you mean the original black & white run in Warrior magazine and also the recolored version published by DC Comics, then sure.

Yes, one is good.