
Can you imagine a big screen adaptation of the Jasper’s Warp? A movie version of the Fury would be awesome to see. 

This guy gets it. 

Disintegration deserves its own article; that game looks awesome and genuinely seems to be trying something new!

O rly?

Hi there, Jew here. I don’t think I own the planet. I also don’t think that that everyone else is a tenant in a slum.

If this actually happens, I will purchase a Disney+ sub in a heartbeat.

...and at the end of every episode, they either stand around laughing or jump into a group high-five, before it freeze frames and the credits roll.

Yes! This times a trillion! A mixed heritage Iron First would def be the most compelling take on that character, IMHO.

Into The Badlands deserved (deserves?) more love. One of the best shows I’ve seen in years, up there with GoT for me! I think the fact that it was unhampered by a preexisting IP, unlike Arrow, really allowed it to shine.

The authors don’t write their own headlines, that comes from their editor(s). And the editors want maximum shock value to generate outrage because that drives clicks. Same goes for all other media outlets, from Buzzfeed all the way to regular newspapers. That’s capitalism! Somebody’s gotta make good for the

When asked what she thought about her colleagues’ fear of “getting blasted,” one source laughed. Then, she said, “Those guys are being insanely oversensitive.”

Sadly, I have no appreciable interest in watching until they have redhead Wally West become part of the team. He was only reason I ever liked the comics. I just find him the most compelling character of the classic Titans line-up.

Another Jew here! Seconded.

Looks altogether reminiscent of Penny Dreadful.

OTOH, I really don’t mind Kwannon being given the mantle of ‘Psylocke’ when most people only know the “sexy ninja” version of the character from the comics and cartoons. Plus tbh, Psylocke as a character ended up spending more time looking like Kwannon than Betsy in terms of IRL time elapsed/issues published.

Also, I guess I’ve been away from mutants too long, because I can’t tell who that is standing off Beast’s right shoulder in the X-Force cover image. Is that Forge? Corsair? JustSomeGuy?

SUPER disappointed to see Brian Braddock as a character once again get sidelined. Then again, no Marvel writer has done him justice since Moore, Davis & Delano, so maybe it’s for the best. Here’s hoping he still gets a look-in in the MCU!

I’m afraid 9/11 in no way justifies that kind of brutalist response. New York is far from the only city to have suffered a terrorist atrocity. Long before, London suffered from repeated bombings by the IRA and since 2001, Paris has suffered multiple terrorist attacks. Nevertheless, neither citizenry have demanded the