
I loved The Boys, as did most of comic book reading buddies. Maybe the humour doesn’t translate that well for audiences in the USA? Felt like it’s from the house that 2000 AD built, i.e. dark and satirical. My second favourite run from Ennis, above Wormwood but beneath Preacher.

I Am The Walrus would be a gigantic hit no mater what decade it was released in.

Doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a bad person, though!

I’m honestly surprised this has more likes than dislikes on YouTube.

GODDAMN I love Spider-Man!

Great article! Would love to see more of Hudson’s work appear on io9 please!

You’re gosh darn right, Wally!

This times a trillion. You’re 100% spot on.

This is hilarious and brilliant in its awesome tastelessness. More power to the restaurateur responsible, they deserve this to be an enormous success.


OMG this times (DC) one million. I’ve often thought that DC have been missing a trick by not properly utilising the bona fide time traveller in their deck of Flashes. 

FTFY, ‘cos other than Wonder Woman their output has been terribad, even if China did save Aquaman at the box office.

That trailer has turned me from confirmed sceptic to out-and-out enthusiast. Couldn’t possible be any more excited for when this drops. Looks like it’s going to be magnificent!

Didn’t Black Mirror do this already?

Srsly, he’s like the character that started the Black heroes with electricity powers trope. He needs to be on the top team!

I’m more of a Kyle fan myself. Same for Wally vs Barry/Bart

This take is the best take, IMHO.

io9 is a genre-fiction site, you can’t really blame the readers here for focusing on what they know and love...