You know what would be creepy? Stick a lightbulb in the middle. #papercraft
You know what would be creepy? Stick a lightbulb in the middle. #papercraft
@Zatoichi666: You seem to have two problems: A sense of entitlement, and you are on your multiple-period. #eidos
2 in game rings is not a good pre-order bonus. Especially since I would have to pay an extra 5 bucks to get the full game. (damn launch day DLC bullshit.)
@icepick314: Heeheehee.
Bugs I have encountered so far, that have already been reported in forums:
@Sonira - Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more.: No, no, no. Everything is working fine. Nothing to see here.
Saying starcraft is not a warcraft game is like saying a dollar bill is not 4 quarters. Technically correct... #starcraftii
@Kyolux (Corsair): You do realize there is an edit button now. Right? #nightnote
@Agent.AealapytsaNotxap(NotASpy): I didn't notice the gender change at first... #bayonetta
@deanbmmv: Huh. I think the comment system ate my reply.
@Neko_Tech: Problem! Multitouch screen. Do you have 3 hands? #dungeonsdragons
Please excuse any rude language in advance. Do not read if you do not like to read a single naughty word.
@deanbmmv: The tech is still new, still being experimented with, as you see here. It will probably be another decade before it gets cheap. When the program is done, it might not be a feasible purchase for a DM, but maybe for a local geekshop on a rental basis. #dungeonsdragons
@Xagest: Wait a few years, the price will drop, as it always does. It is the way of Tech. Let us now read from page 3 of the User Manual.
@Laho: What like "We don't like the way we are learning!" okay, we'll change it! "We don't like the way we are teaching" okay... "We don't like working with you people!" ... #gamingaddiction
I propose we ban all those stupid ad pictures of people/kids gaming and stick with that photo collection of people actually playing games. Until that came out I never really noticed how annoying those ads were.
@omgwtflolbbqbye: Hmm, if humans+facehuggers make drones, and predators+facehuggers make predaliens, what do cats make? KITTENS!
@dowingba: Pre-orders count as sales if you have to pay all the money up front and can't cancel your order.
Translation: Wait 2 years, get the GOTY edition, save 50 bucks.