
@Jonathan Taulbee: no, they showed a clip of what his hand "MIGHT" have looked like. Showing a picture of a second degree burn is not the same as showing a picture of a specific person's second degree burn.

Hmm. Seems interesting, I'll have to watch the actual episode and check citations before I can really get excited about that. Smells a bit iffy considering they didn't show any "Before" pics of the guy they tested it on. Wouldn't that be something you'd want to document if you are testing a new treatment?

@jacobestes: no, just the ones that showed numbers that had SEE THROUGH scratchoff coatings (for marking purposes rather than WIN revelation) such as the tic-tac-toe ones they had, where each number represented a tic-tac-toe space.

@jack2pot: ... Um... YEAH, sure... let's go with that. I've had an iPhone for years now! Been using it for all my comments! Even my very first comment on... wow, really June 20, 2007? Could have sworn I'd been here longer. I wonder if they stored comments from before then?

I signed up for a gaming blog to make comments, despite NEVER PLAYING A VIDEO GAME OR TOUCHING A COMPUTER. That's right. I'm better at lying than all of you!

On one hand, I am terrified. On the other... FUCKING AWESOME.

Screw you lady, I'm not playing anymore... (plays some more)

Hmm. Just from the quote, it's not clear what he is saying. He lists videogames right before "Social ways that people handle anger" and that could be considered either another item on the blame list, or summing up the previous items on the list. And if it is a summary then that's hardly the worst thing he can say

@Laronvas: It's not youtube. It's you. Well, you and the websites that embed youtube videos in HD. When AT youtube, it automatically detects your connection speed and sets the definition accordingly, but you don't get that feature when they are embedded.

@Hmmmdrop: but... there's always been porn of both starcraft and warcraft. This needs to be a new rule. Rule #34* If there is enough porn of it, a porn game will be made of it.

Hmm. I dunno. I'd be willing to give it a try, as long as there are some recipes out first. I wonder if it's possible to make locust burgers?

@Møbius: Goddamnit, I can't upvote that because you already have a star. ... Maybe a moderator could make your entire comment bold?

fuck chatting. Release a kinect texas hold'em game.

@SinisterBill: It's a percentage with no decimals. Less than 1% had a cable modem, ergo, that converts to 0 people.

I don't really think the results of that study prove anything other than human beings are shit at equating force dealt and force received in different areas.

They should issue "Base jumping licenses" that basically charge the people buying the license for the possible body removal and cleanup. Toss in a few restriction as to when and where... (mainly related to traffic congestion, don't want them doing that on the middle of the brooklyn bridge, instant traffic jam) and add

@Piccoroz: You are kind of looking at it the wrong way. The brain is FANTASTIC at adapting. People with entire cortexes damaged repurpose other parts of the brain to compensate. It's not the machine that needs to do the adapting.