
Ohhhh shit. They just went from whining underdogs to people with a chance. Nice. (Although I still say their envelope design is shit.)

@(zombie) buddhathing: If you don't take off that ring first, you'll have to go back and look for it.

My 360 started freezing. I had to send it in for out-of-warranty repairs. :(

Wait, wait. Back up.

@Kpibca: Man. Nothing got me pumped for college more than Don't Stop Me Now. Listened to it every morning on the bus until I could hear it in my sleep.

And me with an out of warranty 360, (Not an expose, which I typed for some odd reason.) with a cold.

Hah. They are full of it. They patched in some buggy code, and the modders are the ones who noticed it! Their bootloader has always been buggy, which is why the modders patch it. Which is why they noticed the new patch screwed things up even more.

@Notoriety: I dunno. Delayed enemies can be very effective in a FFA. Especially if you let them do most of the work... then finish them when they are the only one left.

@BasBalManic: His product is, and always has been, the trademark on the word edge. Lawsuits appear to be his main source of income and publicity.

Miyamoto, Molyneux, Newelll, and... who?

@ps360blows: Seriously. Even ignoring the spherical tip and bizarre buttons, if it can be removed and held like that...

I notice the chainsaw is Hale brand. Any association with Saxton Hale's Mann Co? A powertool subsidiary of the mail-order giant, perhaps?

"That indicated that Dante could attempt to damn them or absolve them using special finishing moves for extra karma points."

@Trepie: Yeah. A buggy MMO at launch is going to fail! ... wait.

@Raziel: Haha wow, he is a gamestop employee, he literally said that in another comment thread in the same damn article.

@Piccoroz: TRASH COMPACTORS! Lots and lots of compactors. Once they use one up, build another.

@Piccoroz: -_- meant to approve to comment above yours. Don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with your comment, but the dude brought up Indiana Jones.

@(Zombie) Jolan: ... It's already out on PC. and came out 2 days ago on PSN.