@XForce: Truck-stop restroom.
@XForce: Truck-stop restroom.
@Brandon 'Bob' Baker: Real people, unless you are playing chess. I swear to god those people are running a chess program against unbeatable AI, parroting your moves and copying the AI.
@harshalizee: No. More casual flash/java/shockwave portal mostly for adults.
@Grisaille: Flip it, Ninja!: I think it's the new "We want to be soul-calibur" game mechanics, from the focus on short, powerful, and slow combos, to the freaking weapons.
@Zentac: fashists? Well, I know they tend to worry a bit, but thats a bit much.
@Kobun: Heheh, that's what SHE... no, no. That's exactly what you want me to say.
@Silhouette2501: No text adventure has a lot of depth, it's all parsing words to win.
@Skyline7284: Moose bites you, you bite mousse.
@Caz: No, Sonic the Hedgehog reviewed SSBB, and he liked playing Crecente a lot.
@woons: Ahahaha, I just looked at it, and yes. Yes it is.
@KingDavid73: Then you aren't playing them right.
@Ghede: Meant to type even if it wasn't a T3 line. Bleh.
@teamr01: The data center was 50 miles away from the convention hall. Even if it was a T3 line, That is hardly a real-world scenario, unless everyone decides to move within 50 miles of their datacenters.
Hol-ee crap. Someone I know suggested this as an unlock while we were playing TF2 a few days ago. He is prescient.
@Puke Llunkett: Or how the way Capcom answered the text issue in dead rising.
@Depths: Please?
@rafasan: Ahahahaha, oh man. I wish there was a video accompanying that post.
The only reason you like playing yahtzee is it's the only game where you have gotten a score higher than your IQ. You even made it to triple digits once.
@Maltose: Traditionally, if you say megs or gigs, you are referring to bytes. You find very few things that are measured in bits anyways.
@fryerjackets: Oh, it's a little fun. Until you get to the tribal stage. The tribal stage is nothing more than "Press A to slaughter your enemies, Press B to befriend them."