
@Phaqutomb: Those are the plain vanilla zombies. Not very intelligent. Their cone of awareness is rather narrow. They won't notice you unless you unwittingly walk very close to them, in front of them, shoot them, or get hit with boomer-bile.

@ZinkO: HYPE GET: Yes. Exactly. Only without the two-tone hair and stupid cigarette older.

@Buri: Except she sounds crazy. The dual color scheme goes well with that.

Wow. A good crop this week. Two well-written thought provoking comments, two clever and funny ones, and only two old jokes repackaged to include video-game references.

Oh god that was awful. The trailer IS a 15 year old kiss fan. Tries hard to imitate awesome trailers, just winds up making an ass of itself when it's mom walks in and tells it to stop jumping on the bed and playing the air guitar in its underwear.

I'll wait until it goes into the thousandths. $.096 cents maybe. I think I have a few tenthpennies somewhere.

@freakout: No, they are useless. Without numbers to indicate HOW much more popular one game is than another, this is just a list saying "These are games. They are being bought." And they do absolutely nothing to demonstrate the health/death of PC gaming.

Glad he made it back, but you have got to admit death by re-entry would have been a fitting way to go.

I agree the dog dominates all you do. Why, When I was in the first dungeon, he decided to climb a single step and get stuck. I spent a good 10 minutes trying to fix it before giving up and continuing hoping he would catch up. He did, but damn if it didn't ruin that dungeon for me.

Yessss, I've been freaking waiting for this. Heres hoping for some of the more offbeat choices though. In other words, I don't just want MTV's greatest ska hits collection.

Hmm, Music games. How long until Guitar Hero and Rock Band become the same game released yearly with an updated tracklist?

@dalejn: True, but by the time they buy it, those that bought it might have sold it to buy the games THEY missed, leaving used copies floating around taking another chunk outta sales.

And people wonder why 85% of games fail to make money. Because they release half of the entire years potential blockbusters in a month.

I'm confused. Did Europe order it's shipment delivered to Pangaea?

@DaoKaioshin: Oh god. It sounds plausible. Also, indescribably terrifying.

Hmm, I think Parsecs could be considered a unit of time when measuring non-distance related events, such as sales. (Ex: While on a train Steve called his clients and negotiated stuff. In just five miles he made 5,324 dollars.) In this case, consider it the time it takes for the PLANET to travel two parsecs, which is

When is the Playstation C seeing stateside release?