
@Tulkamir: ... *forehead slap* ... At no point did it MENTION anagram. However, I assumed... Ahhhh... I'll just shut up.

@Ghede: And there isn't even a D, so now I'm really confused. BAD EXAMPLE.

@Ghede: At least, that is what I would infer from the examples, careful reflection made me realize that Z wasn't used at all.

"Canada, Ireland, and Vietnam" are not anagrams of Civilization Revolution, and they aren't anagrams of the individual letters either. They are words composed of the same letters as Civilization Revolution.

@Pete193: It's actually not that bad. Once you get used to the combat, it's entertaining. Some of the puzzles are freaking genius. There is this one after your first boss-fight in the museum... I'm not going to spoil it but when we finally figured it out our jaws dropped. It's a type of thing you would see in a

Woo! Jethro Tull! It is about time we got some award winning Metal music on Rock Band! XD

Every car is like that. Not just that one. Use your gun to break the window. Save yourself ten minutes of your life.

I checked them ALL. I just can't resist. All those checkboxes lined up calls to me. If I could though, I would double-check cowbell.

@Shiryu: So far they have found a habitable planet, lived there for a few weeks, got bored and went further out there.

@EnigmaNemesis: I dunno, at least with LARPing you are outside and getting exercise. LARPers tend to be the most fit of the familia geekus. Wizards excluded.

And for $30, you can get a one-pack that lights up and vibrates!

Curse that image! I thought this was a Kotaku Kommenting for Kash post or for short K...otaku Commenting for Cash.

No wait! Dungeon Keeper 3. They bought the rights from EA!

Lost Vikings DS. With wi-fi multiplayer.

The original install size was larger because rendering Ivy's clothes took up a whole gig. They fixed that by changing it to the nip-bridge outfit you see now.

@BtownDesignGuy: I think Rare's woes can be better traced to the fact they hemorrhaged talent shortly before they were acquired by Microsoft than any mismanagement by Nintendo.

More excerpts from Kotaku's WWI coverage: Today, Blizzard played some footage. The clips were interrupted as the German forces finally broke through the defensive perimeter. We had to retreat.

I've seen some of their ads. One of em is a little creepy. It has a sheep with oversized udders and lamb is suckling.

I had no idea they were announcing the names of donators. I don't know how to feel about that. I wonder if they pronounced my name right.