
At some point and time, the only conceivable location for PAX will have to be the entire Mall of America.

Here is my theory: They are announcing everything. Unannounced features from Starcraft 2. Diablo 3. Unannounced features for WoW. Lost Vikings.

I am neither for nor against. I am, and will remain until release, indifferent. Upon release, I might get the game, I might not. I think there is anything about this game that would cause me to be against it, but there isn't anything I've seen or heard that will get me in its corner quite yet.

I have an idea.

100 page Galactic Handbook?

Go forth mine villagers, slay the dragon!

Their advertising sucks for that pony based game. I found an advertisement on website that caters mainly to the teen to middle-aged male demographic.

@SnakeCL: Good point! Not all that is blue and crystalline is ice, it could simply be... blue crystal!

@Ghede (Follow me for no raisin): Ahhh, frig, it removed the left-right carets. ... Just pretend there is a left-right-left-right between the vv and the BA.


This PC/360? I'm going to have to get both twice. One to play with my clan, one to play with my PC impoverished friend, and two to screw on wheels and ride to class.

He actually dresses like that day-to-day.

All the time in the world won't turn cheese into milk.

I've since made an updated version, but I didn't make a video.

@expansionsss: ... I'd hate to advocate piracy but... pirate this game. Please. Don't pay for it. At all. Ever.

Spore Creature Creator, TF2 if I'm at home with my monster desktop, otherwise I might pick up Etrian Odyssey II or rent a 360 game.

Jesus Christ. At first I was very anti-GH... but after seeing that? I may have to get it. I'll wait until I see the details for Rock Band 2 before deciding. I'm not keeping two sets of peripherals in my apartment. It is cluttered enough as it is.

@beeporama (brian.j.parker): Hear hear, I may have wished the war had never started, but I don't hold that against them. To put it bluntly and unoriginally, Support the Troops, but **** Bush.

@Reilaos~: You can overlay bits, although it might take a little resizing to get to see parts of the other pupil. It won't be a perfect X, there will likely be a bit missing, but it might work.