Sh0w pending


Well, when you keep setting yourself up for failure don’t expect success.

They wrote this whole article without quoting or addressing her original comments at all. It allows her to weasel out of what she said by saying “ALL white people” is some kind of abstract concept with no relation to individuals. Are you kidding me?

Except immigration and rape are zero percent similar. Rape is universally bad. Immigration legal or otherwise is not a universal good. In most cases, it is bad for the country people are leaving because immigrants tend to be the best/brightest/most hard working. To be an absolutist on immigration, you are absolutely

Yeah, she doesn’t seem to grasp that once you do the “ALL” thing, your right to bitch about the backlash is forfeit. So sorry chica, thanks for playing.

“Buddy, if you don’t realize that “bipartisanship” means that the citizens are getting fucked, then you’ve not been paying enough attention.”

I agree with the general sentiment of her cri de cœur: white supremacy is a vast, monolithic and pervasive source of inequality in the world today that needs to be dismantled. But words have meaning, and the words she chose, the hot fire she originally spit, made the backlash she received entirely predictable.

Ah, we have an absolutist. That is why you fail and will be doomed to failure.

Compromise is essential for congress to function. Esp when the (D)‘s are in a weak position of being the minority party of both houses. Neither side gets 100% of what they want but they both get something. I’d rather this than people whinging about nothing getting done.

So then you must care what I have to say, since you subsequently responded?

Seriously. Is this blogger complaining that Pelosi is trying to work with the guy in charge in order to help the Dreamers? What the hell does Rafi want here?

Bipartisanship means both sides working together. Neither side getting 100% of what they want but coming to an agreement. If you think DACA recipients are citizens you aren’t paying enough attention.

I have family who are DACA recipients and honestly your post seems more like an attempt to gratuitly hate on Nancy than an actuall outrage on behalf od DACAmented people. The Dems are seeing as collaborative? God that is the worst, right? What’s next? They being mature?

This is forcing bipartisanship. Not the worst thing in the world.

“The Catholic Church has been terrible about this.

Here is the definition from Google for you:

They don’t need to target specific communities by region. Because it is social media, they just targeted groups by appealing to their confirmation bias and allow the posts to go viral.

The ads focused on “amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum” and used techniques Facebook previously identified as those used by disinformation campaigns, Stamos said.

This is literally a double standard: