Sh0w pending

Couldn’t you just Ctrl+F and replace “2018" with “2014? And then replace “United States” with “Mexico”?

Billy’s articles are edited?


If you list your race as one of your qualifications, you’ve basically admitted that you have no qualifications.

And there is a fine line between the two. Since this movie is not out and this is all based on speculation, you can’t say it is tokenism or just inclusion.

So, diversity is bad then?

Just for a little perspective on how severe this is...

I heard some people speculating that all the new AV Club people won’t stop bitching about kinja so the comments are getting revamped. I have no idea if this is true, but I’m here for any and all ideas as to what the hell is happening.

It’s not showing any of the grays. There isn’t even a button to show pending.

I spent like 20 min thinking Hamilton banned me on Splinter and got kinda sad.