
You know what’s funny? Every time she posts her work email address, somebody posts your comment, nearly verbatim. I think she knows the risks.

I’m a short guy at 5'6" and I’ve never had any problems getting dates, regardless of the woman’s height. I think if you’re genuinely kind and actually paying attention to and caring for the other person then you’ll have no problem. I also never get bent out of shape about my height unless I’m shopping for clothing,

From Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

Time is not money. Time is an abstract way of organizing reality into a linear, measurable sequence. Money is an abstract and mythic way of representing and measuring “wealth.”

Oh, God! Videogame trolls as a business model is fucking terrifying!

I would like to tighten my graphics.

Hahahaha! Best response ever.

30 minutes to 1 hour a day. I think anyone can find the time.

Both of them?!

This has been the weirdest dream, guys, but I’m ready to wake up now.

Fascinating! Because they’re mythical creatures? Because they have a mysterious horn protruding from their foreheads? Why?!

“She’s a unicorn [. . .]”

Why am I not surprised that the video is Darude’s Sandstorm?

Oh God I think that was me.

Thank you for the encouragement!

I think you’ve misunderstood. Most of my students are, in fact, white. It’s the white students that point out my whiteness.

It’s never my black students that point out my whiteness, ironically. And yes, I never fail to inform them of the monstrous actions of white people.

I probably do “sounds insufferable.”

My students constantly remind me that I’m very white. The sad thing is I’m a massive fan of the Harlem Renaissance writers and won’t shut up when given the chance to talk about Zora Neale Hurston, but my students just make fun of how white I am when I tell them that the greatest contributions to a distinctly and

This is exactly why I can’t watch anime anymore. When I was a teenager, none of this mattered. Now that I’m not a complete moron, however, the consistent sexualization of women and many of the other intellectually vapid tropes make most anime unbearable. And it irritates me, because I love the idea of anime.