
This is great. Not only do these changes help keep poor black people from being funneled into the prison system and the scam that is cash bail, but it also helps save the county money because they’re spending less resources prosecuting petty ass crimes.

No one hand-waved away 150 years of oppression against Asians, Jews or any other group. That’s literal definition of whataboutism. If noting that anti-___ violence and sentiment is not the same as a system that explicitly codified the legal rape, torture and murder of one group of people is pretending it doesn’t exist

But let’s not pretend Asians don’t face horrific racism.

...and yet it is still not “quite” the same. Don’t get me wrong - I don’t want them building prisons for your people specifically, or for Asians to wonder while they are praying if they will be bombed or shot to death (then said killer taken for a “treat”), I don’t want Asians brains blown out while in front of their

/reads title

You always were. You just deciding to stop exporting it.

I think you misspelledDignity’ in your title.