I’m not at war with black men; I love them very much. I’m at war with misogynists. If you think the two are automatically synonymous, that’s on you, but that’s not a belief I hold, nor is it a generalization I’ll accept having projected upon me.
I’m not at war with black men; I love them very much. I’m at war with misogynists. If you think the two are automatically synonymous, that’s on you, but that’s not a belief I hold, nor is it a generalization I’ll accept having projected upon me.
That’s an absolutely wonderful story about Earvin! I wonder if the will, either through bad handwriting or the notoriously lax spelling of that era, might have been trying to call him a “hellion”? Of course, I don’t know much about the etymology of the Scottish “hallion”, so it’s possible they share the same root.
A rhetorical question that really isn’t.
The media is not helping. All I hear at the top of the hour is that his mother is very angry, and that there was juror misconduct. Only NOW I just learned this guy is developmentally disabled, or that the suspects the cops were looking for very vastly different.
Every part of this stinks.
Not true, Tucker Carlson has not gained back one sponsor and Ingraham has lost a lot since she mocked the Parkland kids. Maybe if people kept up the pressure this shit would stop. Are you game?
While AOC, Ilhan and other women of color are outchere squarin’ up with fools, Pelosi is ready to set-trip and give Republicans her AirForce 1's and chain.
Rahm and the police chief have announced they will be suing the officers who lied on the police report for the cost of the investigation.
Now that is good cardio, you get the arms and legs moving, plug swinging a club or a cutlass is great for the core.
This is f cking outrageous. Simply outrageous.
I saw someone use “testerical” around here a few months ago (probably regarding Brett Havafeel), and I’m stealing it. These old danglers really get their balls in bunch when a woman dares to do anything in Congress.
Not all Republicans are racists. In fact, my guess is that most Republicans are not racists.
He should have made it more clear, “It’s where most racists are anyway and I feel at home with them”
[he] suggests that white advocates join the Republican Party because it’s “where most of our people are, anyway.”
Not to mention his spelling/grammar error in his critique of Japanese people’s English skills.
I’m so sorry about your job. I hope things turn around for you soon. Hang in there. Take care of yourself.